Editorial: For David

Some might say this author has been blessed with knowing many Davids. The first one was that nice Jewish boy with the sling - so much for Goliaths. There have been friends and mentors - a couple included in this special issue - fictional highlights (Copperfield par example), musicians (Crosby, Swarbrick, Mason, Pegg ...), authors (Lawrence, Foster Wallace), psy critics (Fryer, Stein) and, of course, my brother. A copper, goat lover (don't ask), archaic Land-rover owner (the car, not Dave), dad and gardener. All of the above are men but bear with me. A volume by and about those with a traditional female name is in the pipe-line. Maybe even a gender neutral - Evelyn, Leslie, etc. - one at some point. But, for now, this one's for Dave ...


Newnes, C. (2023). Editorial: For David, The Journal of Critical Psychology, Counselling and Psychotherapy, 23 (1), p. 6

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